chai product -

gopi chai has three delicious organic blends - gopi blend, bold blend & gold blend, all unique in their own special ways...

gopi blend - has the aromatic spices of cardamom, cassia, cloves & bay...more of a traditional blend, popular in cafes & for first time chai drinkers

bold blend - has the bold & deeper (full bodied) flavours of cardamom, cinnamon, nutmeg & star anise...definitely a favourite with the regular chai drinkers

gold blend - has the smooth, sweet and luscious taste of cardamom, cassia, cinnamon quills & freshly ground nutmeg

* the blends can be mixed to create your own favourite combination

quantity price
120g bag $15
500g bag $37
1kg bag $65
storage tin $9 ea
storage tin 2+ $8 ea

postage & handling

to be quoted in your order confirmation

method of payment

direct deposit (details will be emailed on receipt of your order)